Black Vinyl - Played by DVS1, Answer Code Request, Ben Sims, Rolando, Nick Höppner, Blawan, Radioslave, Zadig, Heiko Laux, Franck Roger, Josh Wink ,,,,,.... A new re- issue is coming from Merv! Two old and lost tracks from Merv from 95 and 98 are coming in a new re- issue! While DeepChord in America, or the Thule- crew from Island have been inspired from the Basic Channel blueprint sound coming from Berlin, tempted a small group of artists their own interpretation! The new and sounding like a manifestation from Basic Channel-sinewy, full of energy, strongly cauterized in mind, wanted to get rediscoverd! In the year 1995, arose * Melted Vein*! Hypnotized, slowly but full of strength it became back to the theme. Merv educed their own variation- their own soul. You can hear it by the track Dust-, from 1998 the further development! Pads and melodies, from different galaxys, mixed with ascending chords, kept together with the 909. Two tracks, two epic tracks- the pure Merv- magic! Both of them have been re-masterd at the traditionally Berlin Mastering Studios D&M!