ninechecker verliebte sich als teenager in liverpool in electro, als er dave clarke bei voodoo (und deren i-robot electro-nächten) und bei bugged out! nachdem er in berlin gelebt und sich in toronto, kanada, niedergelassen hatte, baute er sein studio wieder auf und begann, seine eigene interpretation von electro zu produzieren, wobei er sich von jungle der späten 90er, uk techno, 808 miami bass und trap, dunkler, düsterer elektronik und feldaufnahmen inspirieren ließ, um seinen eigenen gutter electro zu kreieren
this is the first reissue of tim hecker’s classic 2001 debut full-length. the original recordings were remixed by tim hecker and mastered by matt colton at alchemy mastering.
the checkerboard squares’ ‘double cookin’’ is a byword for the northern soul all-nighters of the 70s, when hundreds of dancers would hit the beat and clap in unison to the spirited instrumental. our discovery of two vocal versions of the song shook the rare soul world in the noughties. here we feature the tandels’ all-girl take on a song they had previously recorded to a more basic arrangement on the obscure jam-cha label.
nice price deal !!! editions mego is happy to announce the release of >kanal gendyn<, a vinyl and dvd set by russell haswell & florian hecker. this is the first full length release by the artists following their highly acclaimed albums, >blackest ever black< (electroacoustic upic recordings / warner classics, 2007), and >upic warp tracks< (warp, 2008), in addition to their remixes of popol vuh, and voice crack.
an imaginary country continues from the trajectory of tim heckers last album, the critically acclaimed harmony in ultraviolet, while also showing a few new tricks. tim has incorporated more pulses into this work and also works with a sound pallete including overdriven mellotron strings and synthesizer. at times this album is less overtly aggressive than previous works, but the notion that this is pastoral work would be dead wrong as there are plenty of the agitated crescendos that he is know for. this music backs off from the void of immensity in favor of a terrain of lushness and warmth.
tim heckers masterpiece *mirages*, originally released only on cd in 2004 by alien8 recordings, finally gets a proper double 12 inch vinyl release, remastered and housed in a gatefold sleeve..
instrumental tourist, by tim hecker and daniel lopatin (oneohtrix point never), is the first chapter of sstudios (software studio series), a new venture in the software recording co.s expanding catalog. sstudios invites artists in the field of electronic music to create collaborative works of quality and vision. with a deliberate focus on source material of a synthetic and mimetic nature, hecker and lopatin designed a sound palette from the acoustic resonance of digitally-sourced >instruments of the world<.
limited edition double 12 inch vinyl in gatefold sleeve, cd-copy of the full album included.
big with: audiofly, luciano, nick curly, gorge, sebo k, dj t, sis, kabale & liebe, gel abril, julien chaptal, anthony collins, martin dawson, ekkohaus, toni rios, brothers vibe, robert dietz, affkt, marco resmann
the latest work from florian hecker a script for machine synthesis is an experimental auditory drama and a model of abstraction. a script for machine synthesis presents a complex simplicity that spirals in an unending manner as an audio image of the uncanny valley. it is the third chapter in the trilogy of text-sound pieces hecker has collaborated with the philosopher reza negarestani. a resynthesized voice outlines procedure as procedure itself unfolds. the suggestive encounter with a pink ice cube is a conceptual point of departure for a scene in which linguistic chimeras of descriptors are materialized through synthetic trophies, mental props and auditory objects. hecker presents a synthesis of the gap in the valley which we almost know. the motifs hecker has staged in the last decade, the text, the sound, the scent, the obelisk, the demon, the self, the other all appear throughout in a thorough, rigid and formal exploration. exeunt all human actors, a script for machine synthesis is an experiment in putting synthetic emptiness back into synthetic thought.
electronic producer max cooper and ambient master tim hecker rework ben lukas boysen on his new ep golden times 1 – out on erased tapes, june 30th 2017. the vinyl release includes a download code.
exzellente remix-ep von lorenzo senni, bekannt für seine dekonstruktionen von 1990er trance-archetypen. hier legen gleich drei renommierte künstler eigenwillige reinterpretationen seines klassikers -xallegrox- aus 2017 vor: der mega angesagte detroiter dj stingray (tresor, clone, diagonal), der gebürtige augsburger florian hecker (editions mego, pan, rephlex) und das italienische vorzeige-duo tale of us, dessen remix dem 12- vinyl als download-code beiliegt.
der wiener thomas oliver johnson alias dorian concept veröffentlichte bereits 2014 sein von kritikern und fans hochgelobtes album *joined ends* für das britische ninja tune label. mit der *joined ends remix ep* gibt es nun einen genialen nachschlag! als remixer fungieren tim hecker, bibio (warp), kuedo und nathan fake der bereits auf labels wie border community, traum oder pampa veröffentlichte.
das letzte jahr war zum bersten gefuellt mit massiven labelhoehepunkten, doch wuerde man uns zu einem favoriten zwingen koennen, wir entschieden uns wohl fuer the fields hochgelobtes cupids head (kompakt 290) - die kroenende leistung eines produzenten, dessen bilanz bereits eine beeindruckende anzahl von meisterhaft gestalteten alben aufweist. mit cupids head remixe ii runden wir nun eine reihe von remixen auf limitiertem 12inch vinyl ab, mit beitraegen von den klangkennern john tejada, tim hecker und tm404 - wieder eine vielfaeltige, doch ungeheuer passende auswahl von künstlerkollegen aus allen ecken der elektronischen musik
die lp beinhaltet eine pop ambient gratis cd ! die alljährlich, zu jesus geburtstag erscheinende kompakt jubel cd, -pop ambient- kommt zwar in diesem jahr so spät wie ein legaler download, steht ihren vorgängern aber an schönheit und anmut in nichts nach
burger/voigt, klimek, sylvain chauveau, mint, popnoname, jŸrgen paape, marsen jules, tim hecker, andrew thomas und the fun years servieren uns ambient von atemberaubender schšnheit fŸr die neunte ausgabe von pop ambient