2x12 Inch 19.02.19
tracks and remixes by: baile, dubspeeka, ejeca, frankey & sandrino, fur coat, gheist, henry saiz, john monkman, kate simko, locked groove, max cooper feat get people, radio slave, sasha, tevo howard, thermalbear, vonda7
henry saiz must be one of the most brilliant producers on the worldwide electronic scene. his unique sound cant be categorised and for this ep he has played with a mixture of genres such as, electronica, tech house, disco and techno. *haunted girl canyon* boasts an electronic landscape full of melodic synths and powerful beats and basses.
the remixes come from two heavy weights on the melodic electronic scene such as rodriguez jr. and eelke kleijn who have delivered their own re-interpretation of this masterpiece. check out this amazing ep and be ready to be transported somewhere else.
by popular demand, orgues tip-top remix of henry saiz summer house hit gets a well deserved limited single sided run! play it in your car and melt the ice off the road.
john digweeds bedrock records celebrates a milestone 100th single release in superb style with two of the best tracks that you will hear this year, from two of the most creative young producers in the electronic dance scene – guy j and henry saiz. in this day and age to not only survive as an independent label, but to flourish and constantly evolve, bringing forward new and exciting talent, is something that should be applauded. a mark of the global respect and love that bedrock has steadily gained through years of releasing quality dance music that rides the waves of trends and fashions is the fact that this bed100 release received over 12.000 listens on soundcloud before it was even officially announced!
die zwoelfte paradigma kuemmert sich ausnahmslos um die schnittstelle zwischen minimal und techtrance. diese bedient henry saiz ganz vorzueglich - mit spielwitz und komprimierten melodien
natura sonoris is a new label that opens up to the world from barcelona to show a personal vision of electronic club music. we aim to create an intense musical landscape with organic and elaborated sounds. a music with content influenced by various elements: the power of techno, the precision of minimal, the hipnotic structures of trance and the evocative melodies of i.d.m... all this summarized in a unitary style with the dance floor in mind
die sechste paradigma kümmert sich um die schnittstelle zwischen minimal und flotten techhouse. diese bedient henry saiz ganz vorzüglich mit spielwitz und komprimierten melodien
peaktime electro house action with a forceful driving and hypnotic sound to it 2 tracks with 2 mixes on the b side cut that has the same sort of energy and elements as the a side number
der spanische dj, produzent und labelbetreiber henry saiz prŠsentiert seine zweite balance-mix-cd, die vollstŠndig aus unveršffentlichtem material seines labels natura sonoris besteht, das derzeit 10-jŠhriges jubilŠum feiert. aufgenommen u.a. von vinyl und kassette, wurden die beiden exklusiven sets mit zahlreichen field recordings angereichert und perfektioniert. feat. henry saiz, petar dundov, tuff city kids, eduardo de la calle, brassica, u.v.a.
3 x 12 inch lp featuring 11 full length tracks in all their glory coming in a beautifully designed spined sleeve holding all 3 vinyls from the release.
the wealth of artists involved for bedrock 14 is truly amazing. this 2012 label compilation captures the essence of why electronic dance music is such an exciting prospect right now by showcasing amazing underground talent, both established and new.
i m really happy with the 21 tracks i have selected for this latest bedrock compilation. with a mixture of bedrock favourites and fresh new producers this album shows that bedrock is always committed to finding the best electronic music out there. - john digweed