Releases from artist / Veröffentlichungen von : Phil Weeks & Chris Carrier

12 Inch 07.11.06
new robsoulltd after his last success with his various artists mr weeks back himslef with chris caarrier for a new groovy track like chicago fans (farina, carter…) will be enjoy to discover another powerful housy tune with classic 80 s sample. for another side.. lorenzo is maybe familiar for you. this track is a license from 1998. origianl track was on draft records. ever all house fans from robsoul..looking this track since few month. phil weeks plays this track all the time since 6 months & he done like all producer.. a new change for this groovy track. yep !!!! a groovy ep for moody vibes
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6.55 EUR *
12 Inch 31.01.06
>method to madness< kicks like a mule from second one with oldschool handclapping beats and rattling percussion and when those strings set in, the sensitive ones should better protect their behind, cause they announce the sledgehammer bassline - and all this is only the beginning of a crazy, twisting and turning wildpitch ride. for >paddy system< chris carrier is on the controls solo and will have you shake your money maker with a slightly latinesque b-boy style beat - somethin that you might expect from kenny dope - but then adds a these chugging, whipping synth chords for a good tech-house spank
Adult Only
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6.05 EUR *
* All prices are including 0% VAT excl. shipping costs.