Releases from artist / Veröffentlichungen von : Oliver Ton
12 Inch
the young hamburg based label rennbahn records comes along with his third release. the protagonist oliver ton (int. deejay gigolo) creates 2 pumpin techno tracks with freaky vocals and a nice groove. the ep also contains a melodic, but powerful rené bourgeois and a groovy ronald christoph remix.
12 Inch
roughly translated, hasta el fin means >the very last number of the night<, appropriate when you consider this is gigolos final release of 2009. the a&r process at gigolo is a constant and very simple formula! if hell likes it, plays it and gets a good reaction from the crowd then it needs to come out on his record label! no other record fits the criteria more the >hasta el fin<. this is a record that featured heavily in hells festivals and club sets and was played at the end of every after-hour he found himself. but its beginning is a little less finite.
the genesis came late last year when oliver ton invited various musicians for a jamming session. in the spirit of some masterful moments in music oliver ton and production partner ronald christoph captured something unique sounding with a dance record built largely around a vocal, guitar and piano performance. it was immediately signed to berlin based white records and assigned the fitting cat. no. of white999!!!
hell, an early supporter of both the record and label was smitten, personally requesting the license for gigolo. once this was granted he approached tony lionni for a remix. for many djs, including hell, tony lionnis >found a place< is without doubt one of the biggest records of 2009. so combining the talents of these two artists would appear to be a no brainer, and the results speak volumes. taking the vocal hook, layering it over a tough piano stab and italo style disco rhythm is the order of the day. as we approach the end of another decade for gigolo and the first of new millennium we are proud to present our last number of the 2009!
12 Inch
played by: baby ford, trickski, julius steinhoff, anthony collins, philip bader, dirty doering, lil tony, kotelett & zadak, karotte,.. _ very special one sided 12 inch_ once again the latest white release is a reinvention of the label itself and pre-announces its early ending years in advance. this release is a very special one... it is from oliver ton and can be understood as the >very last number of the night<, that is why it is catalogued as the white- 999. oliver ton invited many musicians for jamming sessions into the studio of his production partner >ronald christoph<, in order to create a unique sounding. the final results are >hasta el fin< a song, which will turn every afterhour upside down, especially during summer! the song simply has it all. we love its humor and see it as an ironic statement of the minimalhouse hype.... thats why it matches so beautiful to white... or not.... and thats what we love about it, say the creators of white.
coloured 12 Inch
the cheeky maniac voice from berlins highly recommended dj oliver ton meets the cutting edge deep tech-house by viermalair. berlin move on! supported by stephan bodzin, richie hawtin, shinedoe, alexi delano, play paul!