Releases from artist / Veröffentlichungen von : Genetix & Persist

12 Inch 31.05.11
nice price deal !!! genetix are back with an ep that will rattle your chest with bass and make your head explode. i can confirm, this has happened too many of my friends and has got me in a great deal of trouble. >beast mode<, my pick of the lot, is a collaboration with persist and is an absolute assault of disgusting basslines, switches and filthy beats produced at the highest end. then >termination< and >stealth< offer up more terrifying, futurist and hard edged dubstep that is certainly not for anyone with a heart condition. strictly dance floor bizzle!
Audio Phreaks
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0.81 EUR *
4.06 EUR
80% Discount
* All prices are including 0% VAT excl. shipping costs.