Releases from artist / Veröffentlichungen von : Cayetano

12 Inch 17.02.22
limited edition of 300 copies on 180 gram vinyl.
High Hop Records
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22.26 EUR *
12 Inch 25.07.16
it’s been 3 years since cayetano’s -once sometime- album, which received great reviews from the press as well as amazing feedback and support from artists such as thievery corporation, the herbaliser, mop mop and skeewiff to name a few. now, cayetano is back with 11 different stories about everyday life, love and loneliness to be heard as one. it’s the first album where he plays almost all instruments by himself, apart from the guitars, performed by alex papoulidis. from the fusion feeling of -talk to me-, or the deeply emotional -something in you- and -hold me tight-, to the funky -third world war- and the cinematic -leningrad-, from the jazzy -fading away-, to the pop oriented -treat you right-, -where the sun shines- and -never said it’s easy-, cayetano creates another sonic kaleidoscope for your special moments. electronic music at it’s best. music with soul and heartbeats by one of the leading greek artists. cayetano is back.
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13.10 EUR *
2X12 Inch LP + CD 21.07.15
full instrumentation in cayetanos studio in athens, then the band takes over and changes the sounds with the physical instruments in thessaloniki and back to athens again for the final mix. only bound friends and great professionals like them could make this sound so easy. the mix is over, here comes mastering. enrico mercaldis magic ears help the project to reach the stars for one more time. and now the magic begins.tower of power, the intro or better a summary of the album.
Pale Sound Records
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13.92 EUR *
CD 30.10.12
nach zahlreichen alben fŸr parov stelars etage noir label in …sterreich, kehrt cayetano wieder zurŸck in seine griechische heimat und veršffentlicht mit once sometime sein neues album auf klik. die 13 tracks sind wieder eine vitale mixtur aus trip hop, dub, breaks, jazz, dubstep und jeder menge soul. die cd enthŠlt zusŠtzlich exklusiv sein 2006er album focused als bonus.
Pale Sound Records
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13.10 EUR *
* All prices are including 0% VAT excl. shipping costs.