Releases from artist / Veröffentlichungen von : Mass Prod. & Rufus
12 Inch
the a1, named after the release title, is a summer techno drive, or a ride through a hot landscape in central america, as the notes of marimba suggest. the subtle but crackling low toms reverb dictates the driving tempo, while the chasing hats warn of a night which is likely to be dirty and sweaty. ready 2 glow opens with an enlightening synth note softly spreading through the air. its the after-hour call, the quietness before a new storm, which is about to boost and bring to surface the spastic contradictions of the drug-based soul liberating after-hour scene. corners goes funk, the quirky and rugged bass line lays at the core of the groove. above, we hear a multitude of spooky sounds and samples ranging from flying saucer sonic surges to playful stabs and bongo madness. the obsessive vocal echo, manipulated according to the abuse of ifferent drugs, is a clear indication of that. alza pure quanto vuoi is almost taken as it was firstly conceived during a jamming session. its twisted, swinging, it breaks the scheme of groove flowing as the tempo suddenly escapes to a faster pitch, jacked out