Releases from artist / Veröffentlichungen von : Holiday 80

12 Inch 18.05.16
holiday 80s sophomore whiskey disco ep exhibits the upward trajectory of the mysterious polish duo. their first ep showcased slower, smoother sounds, whereas these four songs showcase the grittier side of polish music, one slightly less fashionable, until now. each song is dance-floor-proven to turn out. from the sexy psychedelia of truncheon man and male jeziora to the left-ward jazz house of juhas zmarl and fm cool of letnia milosc. many wd buyers thought their first ep to be finest record on the label, get mokotuff before it s gone too.
Whiskey Disco
out of stock
9.00 EUR *
12 Inch 11.03.15
from the tropics comes whiskey disco, a sneaky re-edit label bent on dredging the decanter for diffident dancefloor genius from latent disco perpetrators. it is loosely connected to sleazy mcqueen and his assorted cohorts.
hotel victoria is the debut ep from two talented editors from poland, holiday 80. holiday 80 inherited a massive collection of wax at a very early age, inciting a deep and lifelong respect for vinyl and the dark grooves. this instilled a profound love not-to-be-contained by a single genre. each song on this palette reflects that diversity and spectrum. from the smooth intro on kto da&#322, nam deszcz with its easy groove to the boogie-blaze of bez tego i owego. the rolling synth bass and sizzling strings of zabawa w stylu folk are at once dark and light in a tense contrast. as comfortable on the b2 as in the basement, we hear the acidic melodies of teleniedziela.
Whiskey Disco
out of stock
6.30 EUR *
* All prices are including 0% VAT excl. shipping costs.