off the back of their first ep release, super fun bumper editions trends, which received support from the likes of xl8r, thump, future classic, and bradley zero, beats of no nation is now gearing up for its second release by the chord memory band. chord memory band is a recent collaboration between michael medlycott (from the band vulture street tape gang) and dom bird (bonn co-founder and member of the live disco 4 piece mitzi). at the end of 2016, michael and dom caught wind of a cave, nestled beneath a sacred mountain, deep in the australian outback. the rumours described a cave filled with nocturnal animals and ancient flora, but more importantly, a stash of vintage synthesizers and drum machines. guided by whispers and caught up in the mystic mystery of it all, the duo set off with a dusty four-track tape recorder in an attempt to capture these mythical cave vibes and place them on a record. michael and dom surfaced several months later, with four recordings and no memory of what had occurred. these recordings became their synergistic third eye ep – an analogue journey into the spiritual world, with one simple message, the answer is inside.