Releases from artist / Veröffentlichungen von : Spirituals
12 Inch
spirituals operates under contradictory, sometimes combating, stylistic principles. somehow, however, small glints of emotive euphoria always seem to emerge from the muck and mire at just the right time. love changes, an eerily relatable distant memory, floats in an unsettling, yet celebratory dreamscape. gersts is nested comfortably in a cautiously optimistic daze. in canadian national, the priming of a train engine turns into a snare-driven house banger ¹ a prime example of spiritualsã obsession with combining natural and synthetic moving parts. as it rotates and revolves through ranges of blissfully dissimilar materials, doumen 07 elegantly drapes us in an emotional, shimmering house-coat with pulsating thumps to wear as our slippers.
12 Inch
mana all nite is another imprint of dj duo manamana. next to their artist focused label kann they are going to establish a new vinyl platform. mana#2 comes from leipzig based perm and new orleans located spirituals - two pretty outstanding producers, who serve three different hypnotic vodoo-house bangers. read the not included package insert: best use to energize the dance floor!
6.59 EUR *
9.41 EUR
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