clair obscur, the new sub-division of diki records, is proud to unveil the latest gem from the duo made on sofa, formed by the talented manu kenton and max walder.
new edition of this soul jazz records out-of-print classic album available now as a new limited-edition one-off pressing triple yellow vinyl album (plus download code).
12 Inch 12.12.17
you go through your collection
and discover a gem you forgot about
you hear a track that transports you back
to a moment in time
you stumble across a track
you didn’t know you loved
the dub i lost is a compilation mixed and compiled by zepher in saint, founder of tribe records. and from it come 2 separate vinyl releases tribev10 and tribev11 that see house music royalty join tribe mainstays to create house music dubs, drenched in soul and rich in organic instrumentation.
tribev10 features tracks by teddy douglas, timmy regisford & arnold jarvis remixed by the legendary ron trent and danny krivit.
soul jazz records’ new space, energy and light is a collection of music by early electronic and synthesizer pioneers (from the 1960s through the 1970s), mid-1970s proto-new age gurus and 1980s guerrilla d-i-y cassette-era electronic artists, spanning in total over a near 30-year time frame. all of these artists used electronic advancements in music technology as a means of exploring not only space and the idea of the future, but also of looking inwards to the soul and of creating music in harmony with the natural world.
comes as a heavyweight triple vinyl album plus download code. artwork includes some of the earliest photography of the plieades star cluster dating from the 1880s.