Releases from artist / Veröffentlichungen von : Ernestas Sadau
12 Inch
pinkmans broken dreams welcome a new midnight malcontent into the fold, ernestas sadau debuts with his first 12inch - gonzo on tour. sirens blare, samples hiss in a haze of static before a grizzled snare introduces riots in jail near kaunas. grubby basslines curl into shards of acid, full figured thump sweetened by fragile bars. crackheads from lyon is steeped in the traditions of garage bands and d.i.y. punk. strings snarl and sneer at crashing drum beats, lonesome notes floating in the surge. the foul tempered hiroshima (acid breaks your body mix) demands the flip. beats break and buckle under the leer of lewd 303 lines, a finale bubbling over with violent intent.
Pinkman Broken Dreams
12 Inch
pinkman records presents five years of tears: a string of releases dedicated to celebrate the 5th birth year of the label. the first volume features contributions by 3 of the labels usual suspects, as well as newcomer randstad. ernestas sadaus powerful, raw and menacing cut starts sets the scene for alessandro parisi to delve deep into his synthesizer toolkit. what comes out is a highly emotional production, infused with sirens and melodies that may cause tearful mourning on the dancefloors. on the b side identified patient provides yet another one of his notoriously slow and filthy underground creepers, while randstad delivers another burst of energy that celebrates raw percussion, gloomy pads and haunting vocal samples.