the detroit music community has outposts in nearly every major city, and vancouver, british columbia is no exception. this ep represents the connection of two such artists, detroit native, josh garrett, who currently resides in vancouver and runs the subspec label, and rennie foster, a stalwart of the underground, who has spent a quarter of his life in tokyo, but born in bc and now living back there, in vancouver. rennie has released on a myriad of detroit labels, such as transmat, teknotika, soiree, subject detroit, wallshaker, and motech. josh and rennie met in vancouver, only since rennies recent return, and realizing they were of the same tribe, immediately began to collaborate on a number of projects, now including this limited run, double a-side, record, chalk full of dj friendly techno trax, firmly rooted in the motor city sound, yet unique enough to be a contributor, not just another imitator.