No other than chilean sunnyboy and groove scientist Luciano is taking us on the a-side on a long ride of lush but infectious minimalism. Eleven minutes strong, Luciano does what he does best and unfolds a continuous flow of subtle rhythmic changes, melodies and field recordings to create an overall hypnotic feel that sucks you in right from the start. Think his last EP on Cadenza with Thomas Melchior and add an eerie feel to it. On the flip side the enigmatic duo EAT (both integrat parts of the Diamonds and Pearls family) steps up for some serious dancefloor destruction. What starts off as a pulsating acidic Techno-Monster that creeps up from the depths of a pile of analog synthesizers, turns into a breakbeat chopping Electro-Jam that will leave you behind with bleeding ears and thumping hearts, before the track jumps right back to Techno peaktime.