Elliot Dodge hands over his beloved Snapshot reigns for the first time, and what better a man for the job is there than Quantec? With a CV that reads like a hall of fame of todays hottest Techno labels, Quantec aka Sven Schienhammer is one of the most interesting producers this planet has to offer. A more than fruitful relationship with the Styrax label has produced a plethora of hits over recent years added to appearances on the finest Dub techno imprints such as Echocord, Meanwhile, Smallfish and Francois Ks Wavetec label. The Landingis Quantec in his classic form, Basic Channel style chords, ambient soundscapes and deep, broodings basslines combining to stunning effect. Elliot Dodge provides a remix in his classic style. Limited to 500 copies for the world!