Played by Jamie Jones, Karotte, Sebo K, Shinedoe...
After collaborations from Berliners Jaxson & David Keno and Londoners Glimpse & Alex Jones, Kindisch heads to the Southern hub of Germany’s House source: Frankfurt. This time reaping the harvest from the joined forces of Level Non Zero label owner Chris Wood and the main man behind one of the most infamous record stores in the world, Meat. Both have released acclaimed records on labels such as Get Physical, Below and Level Non Zero. ‘Le Beat N’est Pas Triste’ is a straight up sweat on the walls filthy Tech-House number. Off kilter snares, crowd risings chants and pleasantly distorted vocals that sound like they came out of a 80’s horror science fiction film, squeeze every drop of energy out of the sound system. This is one of those tracks you wish you could hear when running from ruthless gangsters through a run down industrial city. We at Kindisch love grimy, thick and choppy percussion, in fact - the heavier the better. ‘Le Yack Noir’ is just that: a percussive workout combined with some drum machine claps all riding a wave of rising sub bass. Although that could be enough to keep this tune going, the boys are not satisfied and decide to snaz it up by tossing in some actual Yak mating calls, squeaks, diced and pitched vocals. Just don’t play this one too loud in the wilderness. Rounding it out is a little comedown from the sonic high that the first two tunes have induced. ‘Outil’ utilizes a more bouncy old-school House bass line that sits comfortably along side the disco claps and filtered organ stabs. Chris and Meat’s studio skills and deep understanding of electronic music seem like a match made in heaven. That is if your heaven is Saturday night at 3AM. If so, then you better make sure you have this record on you when the man upstairs dial’s your number