12 Inch LP
Welcome to pop electronique, courtesy of Ninca Leece. Having, in recent years, played clubs and festivals all over the world, writing soundtracks or collaborating with fellow musicians, the French vocalist, who now lives in Berlin, has finally got around to completing her debut solo album, which she has been working on whenever she found a free moment.
Brazil, China, Poland, Finland, Belgium,
Spain, Germany, Holland, Italy – Ninca Leece
has certainly gone the distance to bring her very
own interpretation of contemporary electronic
pop music to the people. And it goes something
like this: musically socialized through early New
Order and My Bloody Valentine, Ninca conjures
up immortal melodies out of experimental electronic
dance, aided by her music equipment
pool (her “laboratory”, as she calls it). She flirts
dreamily with (minimal) house, glitch and synth
pop, mixing the whole thing up with a sprinkling
of noise, analogue instruments and field recordings.
She modestly describes her first album
as “a collection of my experiments in sound and
emotions – lots of funny little things, broken
hearted sounds and melodies. It’s about glitchiness,
quirkiness, sexiness.” Just listen to her
version of The Cure’s “Lovesong” (track 10)!
Ninca Leece spent her youth in Rennes,
France, before, on coming of age, moving to
Holland. In Rotterdam she studied music production
and vocals. Since then, she has toured
the globe as musician, composer, singer and
producer, resolutely defending her musical
independence, which is so important to her. She
writes her own material, plays, records, arranges
and produces her songs herself. That’s her
up on stage on her own as well – performing
with breathtaking elegance. Her shows are
often accompanied by striking visuals, created
for her by video artists. Ninca usually sings in
English, returning to her native tongue on occasion,
or even mixing the two from time to time.
The fact that Ninca’s debut album is ready at
last, is going to make a lot of people very happy.