Brut! Records baby sister label, Pop!, sees its second release with Popnonames Spaces. An eclectic line-up, including Joerg Burger, Freund der Familie and Paid for Fame, remix the original three times over to offer a varied perspective of the same brave track. Revving its engine, Spaces drives you to experience things. It invites you to crack yourself open so that through that voluntary rift some new future might pour. Bold, beautiful and formless it emerges, washed in a golden light. A baby nebula, perhaps if you are lucky, cradled in the spiral arms of a distant galaxy patiently building mass as it clumps gas and dust together. The important things often creep up silently…recognized only once they are there, even though you had given them no shape in your mind prior to their arrival. Space gives possibility to what these forms might be, boundless in four-dimensions. Its that expanding medium that allows imagination to roam without end…where the need to distinguish between what you know and invented evaporates and flows pure and clear as an ice cold stream.