Having provided a stellar remix of >Transcend Without Thought< for the label, followers of Bulletdodge Records will already be familiar with Roel Saleminks outstanding production style. Fusing cutting edge techniques with a respect for technos established idioms, the Dutch producer draws from a healthy amount of experience as DJ and promoter. With >Silenth Noises< Roel has served up a real treat for fans of the Bulletdodge style.
The unrelenting bass of the title track carries an infectious groove consisting of sharp percussion and staccato synths. Through the thoughtful manipulation of noise and delay FX, Salemink builds a wall of noise in a subtle and original manner that catches the listener off-guard. ‘Orocanle’, collaboration with fellow Dutch producer Neakarotchy, is a funky tech-house affair that once again builds upon a foundation of solid bass. Vocal edits and syncopated percussion combine with off-beat synth stabs to cement a forceful, driving groove. Intelligent use of dynamics and counterpoint give the track a very natural ebb and flow. Bulletdodge Records are honored to welcome Robert Hood to the label. It would be difficult to overstate the influence that Robert has had on modern electronic music. As a founding member of Underground Resistance, Hood is regarded as a seminal player in Detroit techno’s second wave. His stripped down, hypnotic production style established him as the daddy of minimal techno at least fifteen years before the term was popularised. With his remix of ‘Silenth Noises’, Robert Hood does what he does best and creates an expansive soundscape using seemingly very little. Working a vocal hit and synth line from the original around a hypnotic groove built upon his signature driven TR drum sound, Robert uses his production expertise to bring the track to a fantastic conclusion using a synth line that will delight fans of Detroit Techno.