Big with: Sven Väth, Ricardo Villalobos, Mathias Kaden, Reboot, Butch, Nick Curly, Matthias Tanzmann, Gregor Tresher, Karotte, Monika Kruse, Joris Voorn, Lauhaus, Gorge, D Julz, Livio & Roby, Anthea, Federico Molinari, Martinez, Julietta, Markus Fix, Meat, Ray Okpara, Johnny D., Chris Tietjen,.. The summer has started and for those who havent realised it, the first Cécille Summer Anthem record comes out now. The kick-off is with Matthias Meyer, who comes from the north of Germany, and is known for his great releases and mega hit on liebe*detail infinty. Together with Christopher Groove he produced an incredible summer track called >More or Less<.On the flipside you can find Grassroots and Crytal Rain, both great groovy rhythmic tracks, perfect fitters for a great warm up set. So be prepared and get your vinyl copy...