We are all very excited about presenting the new catalogue for Apparel Music Limited. We decided to offer our fans an alternative point of view to complete our distribution package. Kisk, this time with the help of Gennaro Mastrantonio, is developing a new concept designed for a bigger dance hall. Whereas Apparel Music covers the daytime, warm-up and after-party side, Apparel Music Limited represents the night in all its different shades. We have chosen Francesco Gemelli to set our experimental work in motion. Francescos classic vocal house music takes us back in time, as if Disco Music never died and the 90s still had something to say.. the aggressive, uncompromising rhythm of Spin My Mind melts into the love sounds of She Loves the 80s, as if travelling back in time were not enough, as if modern times were in the past and the past was hic et nunc, here and now. Ughl revamps the visuals in a Deep House version of She Loves the 80s, turning it into a very up-to-date track, while Gennaro gives Spin My Mind just the right trajectory for Limited Edition.