Manila Fine Vinyls is the Label project created by Edo Arengi (Shadow Sync) back in 2010 to bring out that soulful side of Techno we all love. Unlike some freaks you can hear around nowadays, the Manila Fine Vinyls productions have their roots in the original Detroit sound: no frills, no virtual mockeries, just the full and deep analog sound that goes straight to your heart. Music is a matter of substance, not of decorations! This second release includes two brand new tunes produced at The Barricade, Edos studio located in the heart of Berlin. More Feelings, with its electric piano chords and the Moog bass line, is a well balanced blend of a fat groove and sweet azmospheres. Techno with a little touch romanticism! I Want To Believe, a deeper tune built around a powerful, hypnotising SH-101 line with a delightful slide, is opened by touching string chords and grows as the various percussive elements are added creating a thicker rhythmic texture. Its unsophisticated music, its the original spirit of Techno.