For a short period in 1981 and with brand-new equipment such as Roland 808, SH 101, GR 500, we made some 8-track just for fun jam tapes. Mainly just to experiment for our own pleasure. From those sessions, only White Horse made it to a final treatment. The rest of the material was left behind, as our record company at the time found it too different. After White Horse being a track indeed defining our sound, we thought it would be interesting to dig out left-overs to fulfill a documentation of that period - crucial for us at the time. We were still innocent newcomers, without actually knowing to be creating a new sound! Recently, that left-over material was transferred from analogue to digital and, to stay as true as possible to original intentions, we only added vocals, bass and drumbeats ahead of a final mix. We hope that you will enjoy listening to it. Good Vibes from Laid Back Copenhagen 2012.