Phantom Ghost
Dial / Dial LP 026
12 Inch LP
I LIGHT ANOTHER CIGARETTE IN THE TITTERY The sparrow has landed. We have returned from our excursion to the modern and would like to share what we brought with you: Some Showtunes and a Twelve Tone Row. The show, as it turns out to be, is our very own. We started out writing new material to perform on stage, after we had found out it was great fun to refrain our instrumentation to vocals, piano and bad acting. Originally very attracted to the- as our label told us- very clandestine idea of releasing three 12inches with very limited playability for DJs, we agreed not to ruin our Dial friends and work on an album instead.
The topics we have always been drawn to are those with a bouquet of rather ominous sweetness, but this time to get rid of some of the ghosts conjured up during our seances proved not as easy as it is hopefully now easy on the ears to listen to this condensed summary of our insights. Some wonderful guests helped us through the mirror: Our associated member, visual artist Michaela Meise, lends us her bell-like voice she used so Êaccurately last year on her album with reinterpretations of catholic hymns, the surprise success "Preis Dem Todesüberwinder". She joins in the second bird hymn in the history of Phantom Ghost Ê-"In The Tittery"- and Êembodies the role of the lonely concubine in our micro musical "Phantom Of The Operette". The amazing Violoncello player Boram Lie, founding member of the Kaleidoskop ensemble, currently also performing with Brandt Brauer Frick and the Bamberg Symphony Orchestra, gave the dead golems of cello arrangements we handed her so carelessly a life and expressivity we would not have dreamed of. Always operating on the verge of our capabilities ourselves (sometimes you might hear a groan on the piano track), we needed to finish the album with a rusty trombone performed with the fragile resoluteness of someone experienced in self-display, but just getting acquainted with the instrument. We found the perfect cast in actor Thomas Niehaus who accepted the challenge in the most elegant way. But we invite you herewith to decide for yourself whether you would like to join us for the ride or whether you´d consent to Ira Gershwin: "Pardon my English, but you´re the nerts!" A bientot, Phantom Ghost. PS: By the way, the slash is gone for good.[info from ko]