Wuttig & Reuter
Tiefenherz / TH50-001
12 Inch
suggestive mood under the spanish sun, innocent guitars ----smoothly give the fundament for floating percussions, full of hot vocals
Welcome to the Jungle! We present a new lable emerging from Leipzig/Germany which does not just want to exist in the shadow of co-existing lables but convince with fresh simple and upscale deephousesound. The aim is to engage with artists worldwide as well as to build respective networks. Great attention is paid to the release of vinyl in today's digital age...
We start with Wuttig&Reuter, who introduce themselves with two sincere and glassy deephouse tunes. 'Broken up' is supported by percussions and breaks in on the old structures. 'Keep on Dancers' is energetic and powerful - a special invitation to dance.[InfoText from Vertrieb]