The Queen Of England May Have Celebrated Her Diamond Jubilee This Year, But We Feel That Reaching Our Very Own Golden 50th Release Is Almost Of Equal Importance! Who Else To Present This Honour But The Head Brothers-in-arms, Tiefschwarz With A Stonking Remix Package Of Their Smash Hurricane.
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They serve up a 2012 rework, which sharpens the original’s caramel beat to glass-cutting levels. French mischief makers dOP lend head jester Jaw to supply vocal atmospherics. His words are treated, menacingly mingling in with a swerving synth line, jacking snares piercing through the gloom. The track title’s implies a maelstrom of chaos, but every storm has a dark eye of stillness, and this is it. Then we have ‘Time & Space’ which features Souvenir favourite Daniel Wilde, last heard on Re.You’s recent hit ‘Falling’. There’s a snaking groove, with some repeating Martian piano chords, all laid over by Wilde’s blue-eyed soul tones. On the flipside, there’s reinterpretations of Hurricane from two very promising young acts championed by Souvenir. Re.You has had a incredible year, his live with Rampa travelling all over, and hits on Gigolo, Mobilee and Souvenir to name but a few. Here he toughens up the skittering shakers, techy drums patterns driving it all forward. A robotic squelch heralds in the vocal with a magic phaser ray liberally applied to the instrumentation, turning the weirdness dial up to 11. Russian super-trio Special Case round things up, going Jacques Costeau deep, the beat soporific and the faint memory of a melody supplied by some jangling chimes, plus bassline knee-deep in squelchy mud. For those foregoing vinyl goodness, there’s a bonus trademark Tiefschwarz dub treatment: tempo kicked up, bassline spaced out and the vocal refrain chopped into a percussive weapon!