12 Inch
The Two Part Makers Series Is The Result Of A Bourbon Fueled Studio Jam Involving Four Prolific Producers, Using An Array Of Gear Ranging From A Modular Synth To A Farfisa Organ. Throw In A 6 Part Saxophone Harmony, Shake, Stir, Record And There You Have It. Makers.
Prima Allstar-Projekt: DDMS sind Deadbeat, DeWalta, Mike Shannon und The Mole mit einer Flasche
Whiskey , einem Modular-Synth und einer Farfisa-Orgel.
The two part Makers series is the result of a Bourbon fueled studio jam involving four prolific producers, using an array
of gear ranging from a Modular synth to a Farfisa organ. Throw in a 6 part saxophone harmony, shake, stir, record
and there you have it. Makers. Makers Mark was the name of Whiskey that sparked the late night session but Haunt is
in no way indorsing the use of this Bourbon or any Whiskey for that matter. The use of this substance was in no way
enhancing the production and creative process of this recording. The stunts used in making this recording were
performed by amateurs. Professional producers and musicians should never try this at home or in a professional