The long awaited new release of DJ Mad Dog is out now. It features 5 hardcore bombs, including 2 huge tracks by the man himself, a superb collaboration with Noise Suppressor and 2 amazing remixes of *A night of madness*.
"Agony" and "Psychotic" are a mix between pure evil kicks, refined samples and the typical impetuous power which distinguishes the Hardcore sound of Mad Dog.
"Agony" featuring Mc Jeff has already been included in the new free album "This is Hardcore".
"Get a life" is the new collaboration with Noize Suppressor. Track accompanied by the voice of MC Jeff who supports Mad Dog's live acts around the world since more than a year. The result is explosive!
The EP included also 2 amazing remixes of "A night of madness".
The first one is produced by N3AR, new Italian talent born on 1995. N3AR revisited the piece in Crossbreed style.
The second one is by winner of the recent Remix Contest. The track of the French Neural Damage was chosen over 243 remixes, so it's a very good one!