Supported By: Basic Soul Unit, Ygal, Jerome Derradji, Bowly, Sal Principato, Ddd (Paris) , Terence Tabeau, Vincent Lemieux
Sales Information:
After the first year of his existence, Parages Music is releasing his 5th release , a limited 200 12, with 3 track of his core Montreal's artist and also a remix from legendary Mr De aka Electrofunk based in Detroit. First track from Recife is a perfect summer track, atmospheric with FM synth loop and bewitching drums that sounds like the Quebec Pepe Bradock. Mr De remix adds classical strings and Detroit melancholy to create his own specific flavor, On the other side Jonattan Levingstone set up a dance floor track with a catchy drumkit groove loop that then converts into a deep mood. Finally Simon Called Peter signs a motor city influenced track with vocal loops and filtered resonance above female lyrics.