Lunatik Sound System
Something / Something25
2x12 Inch
On this Longplayer deep drifting ambientscapes will take your feelings on an evolving enchanted Journey to new horizons and wonderful melancholic places. Again Stephan Laubner aka STL is publishing here under his Lunatik Sound System alias, something very special. This double vinyl package comes with ten soulful dreamy listening pieces in an extended playing time and complete album feel.
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From cloudy and dusky drones to haunting beautiful soundscapes, which goes right through to your emotions, this release covers a wide range from the sound of LSS music on four continuous playing sides. The Journey is meant for relaxed quiet times and will fascinate with it’s beatless yet well-functioning sleep soundly waves in order to drift weightless within silent orbits and escaping chapters. Something Vinyl Series 25 features a foldable inside/out album cover and comes limited to 500 copies. It’s destined for collectors and quiet minded listeners or anyone who feel the Something imprint and is looking for essential impressive ambient worlds on the beloved vinyl format. Take a time-out and enjoy this beautious exciting Journey![txt from ]