Savage Grounds are CCO and Daniele Cosmo, co-owner of Lux Rec. A techno related outfit to explore a darker, noisier and more menacing sound. The EP has been realised by using only three machines. A Roland 808, a modular synthesizer and a Roland Space Echo. Every track has been recorded live with a minimum of post processing. Come over the fence and dance with the savages.
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Looking into the distance is always a frightening experience. Over fences, beyond the known territory, savage grounds await.
The ones that cannot dance to that foreign rhythm, cannot move at the same pace, are doomed to swirl in a frenzy panic and die. Nerves and muscles are needed, and good lungs to keep momentum. Thus is this record, number 20 in the Lux Rec catalog. An attempt to increase disorder and confusion to see what ultimately comes from it.