Heidegluehen / HEIDE001
coloured 12 Inch
At A Time When Techno Music Was New And Mainly Innocent, A Spirit Was Born That Gave Rise To A Cheerful Culture Of Independent Minded People, Who Were Then Reclaiming Empty Spaces For The Sole Purpose Of Pure Pleasure. Through These Places A Unique Vibe Was Created, Embracing People With The Lush Abundant Luxury Of Letting Them Feel At Home, Welcome And A Part Of A Family. Heideglühen Is Such A Place And Arguably Host To The Hottest Dance Floor Berlin Has Got To Offer.
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The people behind Heideglühen are doing the right things for the right reasons with a good spirit, a deep love and a passion to create those special moments. Woody, a true passionate DJ, gifted music producer and an icon of his own kind is the creative musical mastermind of Heideglühen whose vision sculpted the Heide into a cosy place for friends and music lovers. SUPARAW now is a new project of Woody with his friend Honesty (cabinet, slope). Both sat down in Woody´s Fumalab studio in Berlin X-Berg and captured a pure analogue, raw and uncut sound, that let´s you sense the lively charm of the magic Heideglühen mood putting it straight to vinyl. Normally whatever happens at Heideglühen stays at Heideglühen, but this love crafted debut record is your chance to tab into this particular vibe that makes people at Heideglühen stomp the floors down and dance the night away. 2 Cuts, strictly for the feet, 2 for the special moments, true to passion.[txt from ]