Johan Kaseta, DJ Assam & Liem
Lehult / LHLT003
12", 180 g
We Are Back In The Game, Struggling To Find Some Cool Promo Text Words For This EP. Brilliant Deep House + Times are Ruff REmix (B1) for Techno Lovers
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The rough facts are that his been dropped in a lot of the big places to shrieks and puzzled looks, a lot of dancing and good time having. This is mostly due to the A2, Back Quality, a track forever beyond your grasp - if you are asking yourself what the hell is going on in this track, we can’t really help you. A bomb settling somewhere between early morning weirdness and deep / freaky warm up game changer. It’s complimented by a storming Times Are Ruff remix - drums, drumz, DRUMS! The Dutch guys turned the whole thing into a beautiful techno tool - #justdjthings . The A1, let’s not forget, is a Johan Kaseta aka Gravity Hannes aka DJ Tapee Tapey Tape flip of an older DJ Assam aka Nizza Overload aka DJ Alley Loop tune. A track just below the water, suddenly breaking out, splashing everywhere, just to dive back into the dark, all-encompassing sea. Last up, then, is Kord Dreyer, a triple wombo combo of Johan Kaseta, DJ Assam and Liem aka Lars Lavendel aka Fatso Frolunda, a straight forward groove affair - were it not for those unsettling, beautiful chords, the sudden change of mood during the break and the fact that it was coproduced by a bird on the windowsill. Lehult beby.[txt from ]