With their new album entitled Trembling Air, Hungarian electroacoustic duo 12z (onetwozed) present an eclectic palette of intricate, improvisatory tone poems.
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This is the first of two upcoming full-lengths with the label and the second,Trembling Air, will follow in just a few months. As pure improvisors, Bálint Szabó and Márton Kristóf have constructed a substantial body of work, including film scores, studio recordings, and a significant archive of 12z [sessionz] — weekly improvised jams with a shifting cast of collaborators. These [sessionz] were compiled into a self-released podcast which followed their self-titled debut on Hungarian label Farbwechsel. All this is not even to mention their live work, which is at the foundation of 12z’s craft and artistry. With Bálint on guitar, Márton on electronics, and guest member Áron Porteleki often joining on drums, they fluctuate between jagged rhythmic passages, floating moments of harmonic tension, and any other form that emerges, always chiseling structure from the chaos. Trembling Air marks another direction in 12z’s work, being their first entirely electronic recording. The album was sparked by György Pálfi’s film Free Fall, for which it was recorded as a potential score, but it stands strong independently, conjuring its own strange images.