This is an album of deeply emotional music. It s not all heartfelt niceties and eye-welling moods though. Rhythmic Theory did after all come to light (or should that be dark) in the gloomy alleyways of UK soundsystem music begat from dubstep and all that other stuff. -Creeper- is on hand to affirm that this is a record still steeped in true, stern moodiness, where a stalking sub line, some metallic percussion and an icy drone can still strike fear more than a thousand angry wobble basslines. It s worth noting how much attention has been given to shorter vignettes. As well as the aforementioned, cryptically titled -Interlude-, -Work Of Fiction- and -End (of Forever)- both give insights into the places Rhythmic Theory cares to roam beyond the structure of a long form track. These are places where melancholic or downright ambiguous dispositions interplay with each other, from the synthetic to the earthly, the malevolent to the tender. In the end, even at its most monochromatic, nothing is black and white on Rhythmic Theory s debut album, and that s just fine with us.