Scissor And Thread / SAT028
12 Inch
On Scissor and Threads fourth release of 2016, newcomer Villete takes a turn in the spotlight on their deep house stunner, Girl Next Door.
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A distant voice declares “everyone is devoted to their emotion, it’s me and my imagination” before a springy bass line drops in, ushering in the mantra “never be afraid to dream". A brassy synth further envelops the listener into the track’s warm embrace as layers of percussion skitter in and out of focus. “September” takes a turn for the cerebral with its’ skipping hi-hats and airy pads. A springy bass line is accompanied by celestial synths that envelop the senses, making this psychedelic cut primed for after hours devastation. Villete goes even more cerebral on their introspective title cut, dialing back on the BPM, but keeping the energy high. A hushed bass and thudding kick take the backseat, allowing the hypnotizing, submerged pads and swirling, reverbed synths to take center stage, transporting dancers into eye-closed euphoria. The EP closes with the murky drum tones of “Rillia". Droning pads, delicate claps, and a shy, skittering shaker keep things bubbling and light above the track’s thicker than molasses kicks. Deep house maestro Darand Land takes his turn on the aforementioned track, lifting it out of the murk and straight up to the heavens and drenching it in his sun-kissed, euphoric style.[txt from ]