Olim in latin can be used to indicate a time in the past or in the future. It can mean ‘once upon a time’ and ‘someday in the future’. A name and a project to try to move away from trends and genres, by taking inspiration from the past but at the same time leaving it, moving forward to shape a different and more narrative sound. The first attempt to do so is Recursively: an 8 track album, opening with a sentence from Bunny Marrett sampled from an old documentary about St Paul’s and the Jamaican immigration in Bristol during the 80’s. Inspired by those intro words, Recursively is a journey born from many years moving around, packing and unpacking suitcases, leaving villages, finding cities,leaving friends and finding more, emigrating, integrating. It’s a story about an entire generation trying to find the peace somewhere, somehow, sometimes by repeating the same steps in a loop of actions which seem to be the same but ultimately never are. It’s a soundtrack of those feelings and at the same time a message of hope to continue the journey through the faith that the meaning is the infinite journey itself. An infinite loop masterfully represented in Carol Rollo’s illustration. A story to be continued.