Oscillating Between Charming Pop And Jazz With A Hip-hop Vibe, Uncle Wellington Creates A Universe In Which Hybrid Drums Are Seductively Intertwining With Melancholic Folktronica. Between Acoustic Beauty And Analogue Experiment. Between Raw Poetry And Sweet Delusion.
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Oscillating between charming pop and jazz with a hip-hop vibe, Uncle Wellington creates a universe in which hybrid drums are seductively intertwining with melancholic folktronica. Between acoustic beauty and analogue experiment. Between raw poetry and sweet delusion.
For Record Store Day 2015 Uncle Wellington launched the limited edition EP When it takes a lot of time with producer Jasper Maekelberg. It earned them a place in the finals of Jonge Wolven, Verse Vis and Westtalent. In 2016, after tinkering with sound and line-up, the band released the single The Catcher, produced by Filip Tanghe (Balthazar, Soldier’s Heart).
In August 2016, Uncle Wellington and FIlip Tanghe drew the outlines of a personal record, for which the musicians explored the limits of their instruments and shamelessly exceeded them. Jonas Bruyneel, the founder of Uncle Wellington, hiked through the Canadian wilderness with the pre-productions under his arm, and returned with what would turn out to be The faster I waltz, the better I jive. After intense recording sessions in North Garden Studio, Uncle Wellington crossed the Channel with Tanghe in May 2017 to finish the record with John Davis (Nick Cave, Gorillaz) in Metropolis Studios (London).
Uncle Wellington is Frie Mechele, Esther Coorevits, Sven Sabbe, Renaud Debruyne and Jonas Bruyneel.
The faster I waltz, the better I jive
With The faster I waltz, the better I jive Bruyneel tells a personal story of chronic illness and the ways to deal with it. The songs explore what it means to sleep with one eye open and your mobile beneath your pillow, which relationships that were once unbreakable drastically change, and how futile, but special moments become even more enchanting. A healing record, but not a dark one. Playful winks, textual frivolity, sexuality and analogue experiment are omnipresent. From a battered stroh violin, a discarded harmonium to the sound of a slamming gate in the hills of the Ardennes: the record balances on the intersection between polished sounds and calculated coincidence. The faster I waltz, the better I jive is a swooning journey through countries and books. Stubbornly, Uncle Wellington wants to lure its listeners into its capricious universe.
In expectation of the release, Uncle Wellington wanted to encourage artists and writers to translate the record into visual arts and literature. In April 2017, a call for submissions was shared via Kunstwerkt and Creatief Schrijven. From nearly 200 submissions, a jury led by Daan Rau (Openbaar Kunstbezit Vlaanderen) and artist Toon Delanote selected an artwork and text per song. The works were exhibited at an expo that could be visited in the summer of 2017 in NEST (Ghent) en Pand.A (Kortrijk). Sculptures, paintings, collages, graphics, prose and poetry made The faster I waltz, the better I jive remarkably tangible. A unique art and literature magazine was created for the occasion, and was available at 50 locations in Flanders and Brussels.
The faster I waltz, the better I jive is released by Vynilla Vinyl (Amatorski, Echo Beatty) and John, I'm Only Dancing (Modern Art, Boonyi)
For The faster I waltz, the better I jive Uncle Wellington once again collaborated with Toon Delanote. In 2016, his design for the limited edition EP When it takes a lot of time was included in The Vinyl Frontier, a book with the most beautiful Belgian sleeves. This time, the artist used his long conversations on the story behind the record as a source of inspiration, which he combined with playful anecdotes from the studio.
Single The code
'We cracked the code, unlocked the stupid things we thought, could hide us.' The code is the first single of The faster I waltz, the better I jive. The song illustrates how one can patiently wait for something better, between realism and naivety. The first line echoes a famous Leonard Cohen line. It found its way to the song in the Yellow Door in Montreal, where the Canadian grandmaster played one of his first gigs. And this only weeks before his death.
Video clip The code
In 2015, Bruyneel explored Iceland with a camera, looking for the mythical Grettir, an Icelandic hero of a saga who still symbolizes the isolation of the island. An experimental film director from London, Katia Ganfield (No Tape Inside), mercilessly edited the footage. The video clip became the rhythmic, atmospheric and bewildering visual translation of The code.