Every now and then a release comes along from out of nowhere with little fanfare, no social media or extensive PR campaign enabling those who discover it to simply focus on the music without bias or preconceived ideas which can so often cloud our judgement these days. The Hypochondriac EP is one such release, bringing four diverse tracks which veer from the heavier percussive groove and goose-bump inducing Rhodes of the title track through to the spaced-out, soul-drenched vocal workout Existential. on Movement and Ghosted we’re treated to deep and tracky shuffled grooves and 90’s inspired NYC deep house with a nod to Dopewax and Henry Street. Simply put, this is the kind of record that back in the day would be your secret weapon for many years with all four tracks working their magic in different sets in different situations and places. We hope you enjoy this little slice of house perfec-tion!