Front View : Planetary Assault Systems - THE ELECTRIC FUNK MACHINE (LTD REISSUE 2LP) - Peacefrog / PF063
Back View : Planetary Assault Systems - THE ELECTRIC FUNK MACHINE (LTD REISSUE 2LP) - Peacefrog / PF063
Planetary Assault Systems - THE ELECTRIC FUNK MACHINE

Planetary Assault Systems


Peacefrog / PF063

2x12 Inch

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Reissue des legendären Debütalbums von Luke Slaters wohl bekanntestem Alias, Planetary Assault Systems. Nach mehreren EP s in der -Planetary Funk--Serie zwischen 1993-1996 erschien 1997 schließlich der Longplayer -The Electric Funk Machine-, der unterschiedliche Techno-Styles aus Detroit und Europa - von Peaktime-Banger über düster-monotone Grooves bis überschwenglich-soulful-verträumte Detroit-Trips - kombinierte und auf Anhieb zu einem zeitlosen Meilenstein des Techno avancierte.

Perhaps Luke Slater’s best known alias, Planetary Assault Systems, debuted on Peacefrog
in the early 1990’s with the superb Planetary Funk series of 12” making Luke and his PAS
moniker synonymous with Peacefrog and the techno clubs of the day. The popularity of the
series lead to Planetary Assault System’s first full length album; the masterful Electric Funk
Machine released in 1997.
Planetary Assault Systems compelling mix of techno from Detroit and Europe blessed The
Electric Funk Machine with a wide variety of styles and sounds covered through it’s nine tracks;
Fast paced melodies, uplifting synth stabs, pounding peak time bangers and darker
monotonous grooves sit side by side with lush soulful dreamy Detroit infused journeys.
Timeless gems that every self-respcting techno head should own.
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Planetary Assault Systems

20.47 EUR *
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decks records OHG
Ludwigsluster str. 33
19370 Parchim
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