Die erste Veröffentlichung von Ninih glänzt mit Tracks wie LEEF MET PLEZIER und SPIEGEL!! Insgesamt alles Stücke die sicher in der Zukunft noch Beachtung finden werden.
Sales Information:
The inaugural release on ninih sees yeyeh001 Spinvis & Vinkenoog reworked and reinterpreted by today's artists of tomorrow. Spinvis & Vinkenoog collaborate one more time to bring you one of life's most important lessons: LEEF MET PLEZIER!
Once you think you've learned your lesson Max Abysmal makes you second-guess yourself on Spiegel. The flip sees Sapphire Slows defying the laws of gravity with a completely new bass heavy Mamamiamarihuana. Lastly Oceanic finishes things off in fashion proving all the naysayers wrong with his remarkable version of Ja!