The Advent / Exzakt / 214 / Eggfooyoung
Monotone / MON 017
12 Inch
Inclusive legendary The Advent ... Repress 2019
Exzakt continues to forge one of the purest totems of classic electro with his Monotone label, and indeed his own output. The latest release is a various artists EP which perfectly sums up everything Monotone is about. The Advent leads the way with the dark, melodic "Eye's Of Envy," produced alongside Zein, before Exzakt himself drops a taut and wiry dancefloor bomb in the shape of "Kreep." 214 fires up the B side with the edgy, minimalist thrust of "Crouch & Turn," before EggFooYoung makes a surprise return to the fray with the more Miami-flavoured stylings of "Bass2Large," a slower, dirtier jam with low end frequencies to get the whole club freaking.[info from Label]