Die Electro Scuderia reist mit Lichtgeschwindigkeit von Planet zu Planet auf einer Mission die Sie zum Tanzen bringt und präsentiert stolz vier brandneue Tracks.
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A Credible Eye Witness & Ghost Ride team up once again to deliver another milestone of an EP, their third to date altogether! Traveling at light speed from planet to planet on a mission to make you dance, the Electro Scuderia proudly presents four brand new tunes tinted with robotic and funky tones. Heading "Striptrix" introduces on A side a rhythmic electro cut made of cosmic swirls fused into Techno textures while well cadenced "Khepresh" coming next links emotive synth elements to hypnotic arpeggios, gloomy pads and dreamy bleeps. Top notch! Climax of the 12", cerebral "Spell Checker" combines on the reverse subtle oriental overtones to glimmering beats, ethereal synths and intelligent IDM beautifulness, leading the way to Detroitish "Tias". The most energetic track concludes the vinyl with a groovy trip, flavored with acidic notes and warm melodic flights! Craftily written and produced, "Locked Loops" continues the voyage through cosmic universe started on A.C.E.W's previous release. An ultra dancefloor release powerful enough to penetrate any crowd!