Niceness unlimited.
The music of Genius of Time has always been defined by a certain elegance and grace. Finding new ways into and out of the labyrinth that some people call (deep) house, one the Swedish duos inner strength is theuncanny ability to create tension, sustaining and playing with it, before rewarding the listener (or dancer) with a fulminating mirror ball. Same goes for their treatment of percussive elements. Peace Bird, the opener of GOTs EP of the same name,is aprime-example of that technique: a tight build-up and an intricate breakdown lead to heavily strings andfoolproof floor finesse.Coming along with Smiling Into Eternity that mellows you down easy as well as the club ready Rymd01, the whole thing is a more than worthy successor to GOT’s first EP for Running Back almost five years ago. Nerd facts: most of the elements of these three tracks here were recorded live and then mixed down on a reel to reel. No safety net, no double bottom!Genius of time and genius of love.