3x12inch Marbled Vinyl LP
Homemade Weapons has established himself as one of Drum and Bass’ most vital artists, sculpting a signature style that has garnered wide ranging support from Om Unit through to Calibre, Loxy and on to Donato Dozzy. With his Negative Space debut LP for Samurai Music, Homemade Weapons planted a jagged flag, attracting critical acclaim and igniting a new era of breakbeat manipulation.
Gravity further expands this approach, moving forward his own hyper-advanced amenism while maintaining his position firmly between what people are calling ‘modern jungle’ and the stripped back minimalism of the deep half time sound. Drafting in fellow weaponizers Artilect, Torn, and newcomers Torana for collaborations adds congruous variance to the searing Gravity spice.
While many artists in his immediate musical vicinity concentrate on going deeper, Homemade Weapons continues to make focused, stripped back tunes that have the weight and momentum to work on the dance-floor.
As the first Samurai Music artist LP of 2019, Gravity shows a singular talent confidently moving the creative arrow in drum and bass forward.
Each 12" plate is a different colour on the first press vinyl, any repress will be a different colour.