Omena / OM028
12 Inch
Music Is Nice f/k/a Fantasy f/k/a Snippets (Of Life, Love & Everything In Between). Produced in 2013, but shelved by the label. Now finally out through Omena. One could argue that these tracks mark the beginning of a creative journey for HNNY. It s a brilliant parade of wonderful beats and melodies and a glimpse into the producer s musical thought process. For every track that delivers the expected, the next one does something quite extraordinary.
"Music Is Nice" f/k/a "Fantasy" f/k/a "Snippets (Of Life, Love & Everything In Between)".
Produced in 2013, but shelved by the label. Now finally out through Omena.
One could argue that these tracks mark the beginning of a creative journey for HNNY.
It's a brilliant parade of wonderful beats and melodies and a glimpse into the producer's musical thought process.
For every track that delivers the expected, the next one does something quite extraordinary.[info sheet from distr.]