Late Night Burners / LNB005
12 Inch
Late Night Burners Nummer fünf bringt uns Montreals Riohv mit drei Deep Cuts und Montrealer Kollege Priori liefert den passenden Remix dazu.
Late Night Burners EP number five brings us Montreal’s Riohv for three deep cuts plus fellow Montrealer man of the hour Priori providing the remix.
The first place you’ve never been is Planet Namek, locking you in with lush pads and tropical synth work. Then immediately on the A2 we move to Priori’s Spellcaster Mix. It takes a while to get there, but once the spell is cast, you don’t want to leave Namek anymore. On the flip we start off with the deep and groovy club workout Obstacle, followed by the blissful downtempo comedown of Ev Eb Otto.[info sheet from distr.]