Wir freuen uns sehr, Ihnen diese ganz besondere Platte auf einer limitierten, handnummerierten Auflage von 140 Exemplaren präsentieren zu können, die in einer matten Hülle mit Downloadcode untergebracht ist. Der digitale Download enthält zwei Bonustracks.
Sales Information:
Gwendoline is the project from Micka (a.k.a. Mikoune) and Pierre (a.k.a. Daniel). Based in Rennes, musically influenced by the classic cold wave which originated in their country, precarious and aimless, they shape Gwendoline to their own image. Pure DIY ethics, quick recordings at their home studio. Dark lyrics, self- mockery, criticism, sarcasm derived from the world's mediocrity.
"Après c'est gobelet!" is their first album. Melodic but dark, ironic but direct, sophisticated but absolutely minimalistic. A testimony of today's world viewed under a grey prism of sarcasm and wrapped around beautiful melodies and rhythms.
We are really happy to present you this very special record on a limited, hand numbered edition of 140 copies, housed in a matt finish sleeve and including a download code. The digital download includes two bonus tracks.