First of four installments in the new Uncertain Landscape series from Gradient Records, featuring tracks from BNJMN, Arthur Kimskii, Wrong Assessment and Electric Indigo.
Berlin techno luminary Jamaica Suk announces her most ambitious project yet: Uncertain Landscape.
This 17-track, 4x 12" vinyl release on her acclaimed Gradient label will be released in four installments from Fall to Winter 2020 and brings together a host of diverse talent. She will also be constructing a DJ mix featuring all 17 tracks to complete the series.
It marks the first original releases on Gradient from producers other than herself, which is a change of tact from her original plan for her imprint.
Jittery rhythms with a touch of 'Spastik' about them propel BNJMN's 'Abyssal Surge' into life, with a big reverbed sound abounding as the track builds through haunting sustained tones and glitching mechanics.
Percussive waves accentuate the bassline's incessant 16ths rhythms, all the while the resonant kicks hammering away beneath.
Wrong Assessment's 'The Eight' is a dissonant avalanche of warped textures, where grunting synth thrusts rub up against industrious pulses and chattering hi-hat patterns weave in and out of the mix. Stuttering bass and cymbal rides complete the urgent feel.
Introspective respite comes from Electro Indigo's 'Volcanite', a stirring piece of broken beat experimentation where graceful pads slide hauntingly over taut kick and bass patterns and beautiful analog synth notes.
Look out for parts 2-4, coming soon